استعمال القرفة لمكافحة لعنة البادرات Cinnamon fungicide control

استعمال القرفة لمكافحة لعنة البادرات

رش مسحوق القرفة على التربة عند زرع البذور أو عندما يتم الكشف عن الفطريات أو العفن على البادرات او الشتلات أو النبات.

من تجربة شخصية الطريقة ناجحة 80%

Cinnamon fungicide control

Damping off disease is a fungus-based problem that hits small seedlings just as they begin to grow. Cinnamon will help prevent this problem by killing the fungus. It also works with other fungal problems exhibited on older plants, such as slime mold and with deterring mushrooms in planters.
Take advantage of cinnamon fungicide control by making a cinnamon spray for plants. Stir some cinnamon into warm water and allow it to steep overnight. Strain the liquid through a coffee filter and put the results into a spray bottle. Spray the stems and leave of affected plants, and mist the potting soil in plants that have a mushroom problem.